Bodyweight exercises
Here you can find a selection of exercises where the only equipment you need is yourself.
Stand on one leg with your arms straight, in front of you. Your passive leg may be put behind your active leg for support only. Bend your knee 90 degrees and push back up. Keep your back straight and look ahead throughout the movement. Repeat with opposite leg.
Lie on your back with bent knees and your feet on the floor. Contract your buttocks muscles and raise your pelvis and lower back. Hold the position and straighten one leg. Hold that position for 3-5 seconds and slowly lower back. Repeat with opposite leg.
Rest on your hands and feet keeping your body straight and rigid. Put your hands wider than shoulder-width apart. Lower your upper body toward the floor, then push upward without bending your hips.
Lie on your back with your knees bent and your feet on the floor. Raise your head and upper body, so that only your lower back has contact with the mat. Lower back down. Ensure a steady movement.
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Stand with your feet gathered. Take a step to the side while you move your bottom downwards behind your heel on your active foot. Slow down the movement when your foot touches the floor. In ending position, your active leg is bent and the leg you are standing on is roughly stretched. Return quickly to starting position.
Start in a standing position. Bend the knees so that you touch the ground with your hands. Jump with maximal power from the squat position and reach the arms above your head.
Lie on your back with your arms by your side. Raise your legs, bend your hips with a 100-110 degree angle, while slightly bending your knees. Raise your pelvis toward the ceiling without swinging your legs, then slowly return to the start position.
Lie on your side and support yourself by using your elbow. Flex your abdominals and raise your pelvis from the surface until your body forms a straight line. Then, raise your upper leg towards the ceiling and steadily lower it again. Lastly, slowly lower your pelvis to starting position.
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