Solutions for students and educational units
We focus on research-based development and close collaboration with relevant educational institutions. The reason for this is the recognition that a professional tool for training guidance must be based on a solid professional foundation.
ExorLive for students
We collaborate with the vast majority of schools, colleges and universities in rehabilitation and training. Check with your school to see if you have access to ExorLive. Contact us and we will help you get started.
As a student, you get access to 9,228 quality-assured exercises with video, drawings and descriptions.
Create your own exercises with video and photos. Choose how you want to share them. 173,203 own exercises have been created in ExorLive.
Choose from over 1000 quality-assured programs, or create and edit programs and plans, which you can share with your clients.
ExorLive for educational units
Use ExorLive in the teaching of your education unit. We help you get started.
Your education unit gets as many teacher accounts as you need, where one can be logged in in the hallway.
We have class sets, where their students can create training programs, exercises and plans themselves.
Opportunity for collaboration in relation to study assignments and research projects.