Over 9000 quality assured exercises
With 9,228 exercises to choose from in ExorLive, it is easy to find inspiration. In addition, our customers have created 173,203 own exercises.
Here you can explore some of the areas we have available in ExorLive.
Selected categories
Strength training
Exercises to improve muscle strength, muscle volume and neural adaptation.
Click on one of the categories to see a selection of the exercises you can find in ExorLive.
Exercises to increase the mobility of a joint or chains of joints.
Click on one of the categories to see a selection of exercises you will find in ExorLive.
Our content
The content in ExorLive is based mainly on research, new concepts and customer wishes.
We produce new content often so you can be sure that you will find what you need.
Click here to read more about how we produce and quality assure our content.
Try ExorLive for free
You get access to all main functions for 14 days. Create exercise programs quickly and easily from over 8000 exercises with video. There are no commitments and no installation.
Or contact us
We are here for you and are happy to help you find the solution that suits you best. Contact us at +44 20 3608 1313 or sales@exorlive.com