Sling suspension exercises

Here you can find a selection of strength, stability and deloading exercises.

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Stand on the knees with the arms straight in front of the body and have a sling in each hand. Stabilise the abdominal and lower back. Lean the body forward by moving the arms straight ahead so that they are over the head in the extension of the body. Push the arms down again to return to the starting position.

Seated just below the suspension point with straight legs and hands Powergrips. Powergrips at waist height. 1) Raise the buttocks by pushing your shoulders down and straighten elbows 2) Return to starting position.

Standing with back to the suspension point and a foot in strap behind the body. The strap at knee. cord in outer position. 1) Perform lunge backward (move your body backwards by bending the in knee of forward leg and the leg strap in back) 2) Return to starting position by extending standing leg.

Lie on the back with the bottom down on the floor and both heels in TRX. Move the heels towards the bottom while you lift the pelvis from the floor till the hip is horizontal and the knees have a 90 degrees position.

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Lie on the back with arms straight in front of the body and have a sling in each hand. Stabilise the abdominal and lower back. Lift the upper body by bending the elbows and squeezing the shoulder blades towards each other so that the chest is pushed forward. Slowly return to the starting position.

Standing leaned backwards arm's length behind the suspension point with straps on the elbows. Straps at waist height. Keep the arms straight and tilted forward. 1) Lift straight body forward by pushing the arms back into the straps 2) Return to starting position

Stand on one foot and stretch the other leg out in front of you. Place hands in TRX and elbows right under the shoulders. Lower the bottom down towards the floor, stretch the elbow, use the heel to push, and jump up on one leg.

Standing leaned backwards arm's length behind the suspension point with hands in Powergrips. Power plaster level with the chest. Keep the arms out to the side and elbows bent at 90 degrees with hands toward the ceiling. 1) Lift straight body forward by rotating beyond in shoulders 2) Return to starting position rotate inward shoulders.

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