Solutions for you in fitness and sports

Whether you are an independent personal trainer, working in sports or at a fitness center, ExorLive has solutions for you.

Contact us - We will help you get started

Training tools for personal trainers and instructors

Ensure efficient and good follow-up with ExorLive Enterprise. You get access to over 9,228 quality-assured exercises with video, text and image. Exercise programs and plans are easy to create and can be shared via email, printout and the ExorLive Go exercise app.

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Training app for members

The ExorLive Go training app gives your customers easy access to their training. You will automatically receive feedback on the training performed and can see statistics. With ExorLive Go you can get feedback and communicate with your customer.

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Customize the experience

Give your members access to the gym wherever they are. Design the app and add buttons with training content, your booking system and other information in the app. Offer personalized exercise programs through ExorLive Survey. Your center, gathered in one app!

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Links to your membership system

Connect ExorLive to your center's membership system through our API. ExorLive already integrates with multiple member systems, so you can easily sync data.

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See other technical solutions that can be used

Inspires movement with ExorLive

We tailor a solution for your fitness center or sports team and for you as an individual personal trainer.
Leave your information or contact us and we will help you get started.

Contact us:

+44 20 3608 1313 or