Olympic weightlifting
Here you can find exercises that changes your strength, technique and power.
Look straight forward during the entire exercise. Hold the weight bar in front of your body, resting on your shoulders and/or the hands. Lift the elbows, while keeping the weight bar stabile and your back stabilizes your posture. Stand with straight legs shoulder width apart, and with the centre of gravity right through your body. Distribute most of your weight on the back of your feet. By focusing on your stomach and the lumbar region of your back, keep your body still during the entire exercise. Breathe in on your way down, hold your breath at the lowest part of the movement and breathe out on your way back up.
Start standing with the bar at hip height. The feet should be hip-width apart and your hands are placed on the bar, wide distance apart. Create acceleration by making a powerful elevation of the shoulder blades and pull your elbows out to the side, while the body is drawn (fall) under the bar. Feet should move from hip width to shoulder width and try to land deeply with bar on straight arms. Stand up in a controlled motion before the bar is lowered to the hips.
Look straight forward during the entire exercise. Start with straight legs shoulder width apart, and with the centre of gravity right through your body. Distribute most of your weight to the back of your feet. The weight bar should hang in extended arms, as close to the body as possible, but without inhibiting your movement or technique. The weights acceleration starts from knee level with an explosive take-off that ends with extended arms until the body is straight. Then bend your knees and arms fast, so the weight is resting on your shoulders or/and in your hands in a stable position. Extend your legs. Lift the elbows, while keeping the weight bar stabile and your back stabilizes your posture. Go straight to a frontal knee bend. Breathe in on your way down, hold your breath at the lowest part of the movement and breathe out on your way back up. Then go straight into a thrust. Accelerate by slightly bending your knees, and then extending them explosively. Full extension and floor contact should be simultaneous.
Look straight forward during the entire exercise. Start with straight legs in a position 1½ times as wide as your shoulders, and with the centre of gravity right through your body. Distribute most of your weight to the back of your feet. Hold the weight bar with straight arms over the head during the whole exercise. By focusing on your stomach and the lumbar region of your back, keep your body still during the entire exercise. Breathe in on your way down, hold your breath at the lowest part of the movement and breathe out on your way back up. Finish the exercise at 90 degrees angle in you knees.
It is important that the centre of gravity is not too far back or in front of you. This can be noticed by an unbalanced feeling especially in the lifting phase, which may lead to back injuries.
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Look straight forward during the entire exercise. Start with straight legs shoulder width apart, and with the centre of gravity right through your body. Distribute most of your weight to the back of your feet. The weight bar should hang in extended arms, as close to the body as possible, but without inhibiting your movement or technique. The weights acceleration starts from knee level with an explosive take-off that ends with extended arms until the body is straight. Then bend your knees and arms fast, so the weight is resting on your shoulders or/and in your hands in a stable position. Stretch your legs. Lift the elbows until the bar is leaning stable and the back is stabilized. Go straight down in frontal squat, breathe in on your way down. Breathe in on your way down, hold your breath at the lowest part of the movement and breathe out on your way back up.
Look straight forward during the entire exercise. The weight bar should hang in extended arms, as close to the body as possible, but without inhibiting your movement or technique. Breathe in on your way down, hold your breath at the lowest part of the movement and breathe out on your way back up. If the exercise is only performed with an elevating phase (olympic lift), breath in before stabilization and take-off. Arch in the lumbar part of the back and try to hold the arch during the whole lift. Spread your legs, with the centre of gravity through the body. Distribute most of your weight to the back of your feet.
Start lifting from the ground, with legs hip width apart and hands holding the bar shoulder width apart. Start the lift as a deadlift and focus on holding bar as close to your body as possible throughout the entire lift. When the bar reaches to above the knee (hanging-position) stretch out hips and body in an explosive motion up toward the ceiling. There is a tempo exchange without jumps and the bar is "thrown" towards the ceiling. Catch the bar on the front of your shoulders without bending your knee and hip. Focus on keeping your forearms parallel to the floor and hold your upper-body as vertical as possible in the landing-position.
Look straight forward during the entire exercise. Start with straight legs placed shoulder-width apart, and with the centre of gravity right through your body. Distribute most of your weight to the back of your feet. By focusing on your core and the lumbar region of your back, keep your body still during the entire exercise. Breathe in on the way down, hold your breath at the lowest part of the movement, and breathe out on you way back up.
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